
Flower Of Life Dream Catcher

  1. Meaning Of Dream Catchers
  2. Flower Of Life Cbd
  3. Flower Of Life Dream Catcher
  4. Seed Of Life Meaning
  5. Use Of Dream Catcher
over 9 years ago

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I'm sitting in a grassy meadow and I suddenly have a vision of the earth as if I'm floating in space... I have had dreams like this before. I can see giant circles appearing all over the earths surface. Now they are lifting off the ground and hovering towards the middle of the earth… They are taking a shape...a giant flower of life! I'm in this cocoon of darkness floating... down below the flower begins to burn with great brilliance… I open my eyes and I am back in the meadow. I look down and open my hand to find a grasshopper… it is still and I am still… The grasshopper begins to become something else… It is evolving. I lift my hand and it flies away.

dream dictionaries
The Dictionary of Symbols

Different flowers usually have separate meanings, but, as so often
happens, flower-symbolism is broadly characterized by two essentially different
considerations: the flower in its essence, and the flower in its shape. By its very
nature it is symbolic of transitoriness, of Spring and of beauty. The sixth of the
‘Eight Immortals’ of China, Lan Ts’ai-ho, is generally depicted clad in blue and
carrying a basket of flowers; it is said that he was given to singing of the brevity
of life and the ephemeral nature of pleasure (5). The Greeks and Romans, at all
their feasts, always wore crowns of flowers. And they would strew flowers over
the corpses as they bore them to the funeral pyre and over their graves (not so
much as an offering as an analogy) (8). We have, then, another example of an
antithetical symbol, like the skeleton which the Egyptians would bring to their
banquets, as a reminder of the reality of death and as a stimulus towards the
enjoyment of life. Now, because of its shape, the flower is an image of the
‘Centre’, and hence an archetypal image of the soul (56). ‘Celestial flower’ is the
name given to a meteorite or a shooting star by the alchemists (57), and the flower
was, for them, symbolic of the work of the sun (32). The significance would be
adapted according to the colour of the flower. So, for example, orange or yellowcoloured flowers represent a reinforcement of the basic sun-symbolism; red flowers emphasize the relationship with animal life, blood and passion. The ‘blue
flower’ is a legendary symbol of the impossible, and is probably an allusion to the
‘mystic Centre’ as represented by the Grail and other such symbols. The ‘golden
flower’ is a famous parallel in Chinese mysticism, a non-existent flower which is
also spoken of in alchemy; in the Epistola ad Hermannum Arch. Coloniensem
(Theatr. Chem. 1622) it is given the name of ‘the sapphire-blue flower of the
Hermaphrodite’ (32).

Dream Moods

To see colorful flowers in your dream, signify kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty, and gain. It is also symbolic of perfection and spirituality. Your dream may be an expression of love, joy and happiness. Alternatively, flowers in dream, especially if they are blooming, represent your hidden potential and latent talents. Flowers can also denote a particular time or season. If the flowers are white, then it symbolizes sadness. Consider the color of the flower and the type of flower for additional analysis.

To see withered or dead flowers in your dream, denotes disappointments and gloomy situations. It may signal an end to a love relationship. Or it could indicate that you may not be utilizing your full potential and talents and letting it go to waste.

To dream that you receive a bouquet of flowers, represents respect, approval, admiration, and rewards.

To see flowers blooming in barren soil, signify that energy and cheerful nature will enable you to overcome your grievances. If you are picking flowers, then the dream symbolizes blooming love or a new developing relationship.

10,000 Dreams Interpreted

To dream of seeing flowers blooming in gardens, signifies pleasure and gain, if bright-hued and fresh; white denotes sadness. Withered and dead flowers, signify disappointments and gloomy situations.

For a young woman to receive a bouquet of mixed flowers, foretells that she will have many admirers.

To see flowers blooming in barren soil without vestage of foliage, foretells you will have some grievous experience, but your energy and cheerfulness will enable you to climb through these to prominence and happiness.

``Held in slumber's soft embrace,
She enters realms of flowery grace,
Where tender love and fond caress,
Bids her awake to happiness.'

Hyper Dictionary

Seeing colorful flowers in your dream means kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty, and gain. It is also symbolic of perfection and spirituality. Your dream may be an expression of love, joy and happiness. Alternatively, flowers may denote a particular time or season. If the flowers are white, then it symbolizes sadness. Seeing withered or dead flowers in your dream indicates disappointments and gloomy situations. You may not be utilizing your full potential and talents. Dreaming that you receive a bouquet of flowers, represents respect, approval, admiration, and rewards. Seeing flowers blooming in barren soil means that energy and cheerful nature will enable you to overcome your grievances.

Meaning of Dreams

When we look at flowers, most of us feel some joy and vitality. At the very least, we appreciate their beauty and see their value. Flowers are beautiful and in our dreams they could represent the simplest feelings of contentment to the deepest feelings of spiritual completeness. A circular flower is a friendly sign that could be the symbol of wholeness that represents the 'psychic centre of the personality.' Additionally, the colours could symbolize the psychic centers in our bodies called chakras. Flowers also represent hope and positive growth, along with simplicity, innocence, and possibly virginity. A flower can also symbolize the vulva.

If you dream that you are arranging flowers, you could be trying to make improvements to your waking life. Dead or dried flowers in a dream can symbolize poor health or obstacles in your life. Flowers in a bouquet may symbolize a marriage.

dream dictionaries
The Dictionary of Symbols

All things that flow and grow were regarded in early religions as a symbol
of life: fire represented the vital craving for nourishment, water was chosen for its
fertilizing powers, plants because of their verdure in spring-time. Now, all—or
very nearly all—symbols of life are also symbolic of death. Media vita in morte
sumus, observed the mediaeval monk, to which modern science has replied La vie
c’est la mort (Claude Bernard). Thus, fire is the destroyer, while water in its
various forms signifies dissolution, as suggested in the Psalms. In legend and
folklore, the Origin of life—or the source of the renewal of the life forces—takes
the form of caves and caverns where wondrous torrents and springs well up (38).

dream dictionaries
Dream Moods

To dream that you are floating on air, indicates satisfaction, contentment and acceptance of some situation. You are letting go of your problems and rising above obstacles. You are experiencing new-found freedom and gaining a new perspective on things. Nothing seems overwhelming or too difficult to handle. Alternatively, floating in your dream suggests that you are wandering through life aimlessly with no goals. You are just going with the flow.

To dream that you are floating in water, suggests that you have a handle on your emotions.

To dream that you are floating, but are afraid to move, suggests that you are questioning your own abilities. You are experiencing doubts in yourself.

10,000 Dreams Interpreted

To dream of floating, denotes that you will victoriously overcome obstacles which are seemingly overwhelming you. If the water is muddy your victories will not be gratifying.

Meaning of Dreams

Floating in water can be symbolic of floating on top of your emotions and being in harmony with the unconscious. It an also represent overcoming obstacles. Floating through the air has the same symbolism as flying. In fact, when people dream of flying, they usually dream of floating in the air, rather than moving forward purposefully. Floating usually represents your current feelings of peacefulness and general freedom. On a more negative note, floating could also be symbolic of your aloofness, lack of connection or a need to become more grounded.

dream dictionaries
Dream Moods

To notice the earth in your dream, indicates that you need to be 'grounded' and realistic. Perhaps your sense of stability and security is lacking. Consider the consistency of the earth for additional significance on how you are feeling. If the earth opens or separates, then it represents a project or relationship that you are afraid of falling into.

To see the planet Earth in your dream, signifies wholeness and global consciousness. You are interconnected with the world.

Hyper Dictionary

Seeing the earth in your dream means wholeness and global consciousness. It may also symbolize the sense of being 'grounded' and your need to be realistic.

dream dictionaries
The Dictionary of Symbols

Bachelard has pointed out that the meadow, being nourished by the
waters of a river, is in itself a subject of sadness and that, in the true meadow of
the soul, only asphodels grow. The winds find no melodious trees in the meadow—
only the silent waves of uniform grass. Bachelard also mentions Empedocles’
description of ‘the meadow of ill fortune’ (2).

Dream Moods

To see a meadow in your dream, represents openness and security. You are taking time out to appreciate your accomplishments.

10,000 Dreams Interpreted

To dream of meadows, predicts happy reunions under bright promises of future prosperity.

Hyper Dictionary

Seeing a meadow in your dream, represents openness and security. You are taking time out to appreciate your accomplishments.

dream dictionaries
Dream Moods

To see a grasshopper in your dream, symbolizes freedom, independence or spiritual enlightenment. Alternatively, it indicates your inability to settle down or commit to a decision.

10,000 Dreams Interpreted

To dream of seeing grasshoppers on green vegetables, denotes that enemies threaten your best interests. If on withered grasses, ill health. Disappointing business will be experienced.

If you see grasshoppers between you and the sun, it denotes that you will have a vexatious problem in your immediate business life to settle, but using caution it will adjust itself in your favor. To call peoples' attention to the grasshoppers, shows that you are not discreet in dispatching your private business.

Hyper Dictionary

Seeing a grasshopper in your dream, foretells of enemies that will threaten your interest, disappointments in business, or illness. To draw other people's attention to a grasshopper means your indiscretion in dispatching your private business.

Flower Of Life Dream CatcherWhats Your Sign Animal Symbolism

Grasshopper Symbolism

A reader asked me for clarification about grasshopper symbolism and various symbolic/cultural roles this magnificent creature plays within the insect realm.

As a cultural symbol, this insect is a prominent feature in Asian traditions. For instance, the Japanese connect its molting phases with the wax and wane of the moon. Further still, the Japanese cherished the song of this creature (particularly the long-horned grasshopper), and believed the moon coaxed the music from them.

As a Chinese symbol, the grass hopper offers attributes of longevity, happiness, good health, good luck, wealth, abundance, fertility and virtue. In fact, grasshoppers were thought to be fertility symbols; specifically omens of the birth of a son (hence, another reason for its good luck symbol status as sons are considered prized gems within the setting of the family).

In certain regions of China, grasshoppers were kept as family pets and it was believed grasshoppers embodied the personalities of family members who were deceased. Keeping these reincarnate souls in the form of grasshoppers insured prosperity amongst the family members.

Drunvalo melchizedek

In Ancient Greece the grasshopper is a status symbol. Athenians would adorn themselves with golden grasshopper hair combs and brooches as an indication of nobility. The grasshopper is also a symbol of immortality as we see in Greek myth when Zeus grants immortality to Tithonus, who was later transformed into a grasshopper (who of course, lived forever).

In Native American Indian symbology and tribal lore (specifically the Iroquois nation) grasshopper symbolism deals with messages of glad tiding. In this context, the grasshopper is a harbinger of good news. Indeed, when this creature is seen on spirit walks, it is a sign that the seer will receive profoundly joyful news that will benefit the entire community.

Here's a quick-list of grasshopper symbolism:

Forward Thinking

As an animal totem, the grasshopper appeals to artists, musicians and dancers. To wit, the lilting song this creature emits is an inspiration to our muse; its skittering and jumping is divine choreography. The artist within us all easily recognizes the grasshopper making its own dance steps, and grooving to its own special melody.

The grasshopper moves to its own rhythm and tune, indicating this creature is a advocate of intuition and listening to our inner voices. The grasshopper encourages us to listen to our own stirrings – those beautiful chirping lullaby’s that sing in our hearts are indications of our inner beauty and creativity. The grasshopper totem reminds us these inner musings must never be silenced – rather, they should be nurtured, and always remain as the background music to the performance of our lives.

As with most insect totems, the grasshopper keeps itself to the ground. As such, this is a grounding totem, and the grasshopper can teach us stability, patience, security, and solidarity.

The grasshopper chooses those of us who are innovators, forward-thinkers, and those who progress in life by unorthodox methods. This is because grasshopper symbolism recognizes tremendous leaps of faith, impressive jumps in progress and consistent forward momentum. Those with this totem are likely to aim high, and achieve amazing feats – they take great leaps where others fear to tread (or jump, in this case).

Another special feature of the grasshopper totem is that it calls to those who have natural clairvoyant abilities. Just as the grasshopper uses thousands of tiny eyes to formulate the “big picture” so too do those whom the grasshopper is called. In other words, those with this totem are visionaries. They see things intuitively, seeing beyond what the concrete world holds, and they use this special vision to see the world with a childlike wonder.

We can call upon the grasshopper when we need a sense of adventure in our lives. When we feel stuck in a rut, the grasshopper can bounce us into magical viridian worlds filled awe and joy.

The grasshopper can also help us when we need a little creative inspiration. If muses kept pets – the grasshopper would certainly be a first choice.

Take the time to connect with the grasshopper. Here are some suggestions in doing so:

Consider the spaces in your life that need a little extra-sensory vision and call upon the eyes of the grasshopper for a grandiose view.
Visualize some amazingly good news hopping your way on the back of the grasshopper
Invoke the grasshopper’s help in making forward-motions in your life with great leaps of courage and faith.
Ask the grasshopper if it might share its antennae with you – see yourself with a pair of antenna – sensing out your environment, detecting the energy around you, and gaining new clarity with your new sensory organs.
Recall the summer songs of the grasshopper that lift from warm grasses like a background fragrance. Tapping into grasshopper song can be incredibly uplifting, as well as inspirational.
Consider the earthy grounded-ness the grasshopper represents when you need some anchoring and stability in your life

StarStuffs Animal Spirit Totems

Grasshopper teaches to take a leap forward in life and to trust in your own instincts and rhythms. Listen to your inner voice and let grasshopper guide you. He teaches patience to be bold and move with pride and grace. Grasshopper can teach the ability to take more chances and continue onward with persistence. He demonstrates the power of intuition, feelings, communication, awareness of surroundings and circumstances. Are you trusting your instincts and listening to your inner voice? It may be time to guard your exterior self and protect your emotions. Grasshopper medicine will show the balance between outgoing behavior and quite solitude. He demonstrates the skill of being courageous as well as taking flight when needed. His medicine lends stability and solidity to new endeavors. Grasshopper guides in the transformations of thoughts, ideals and perceptions as new spiritual insights are acquired.

StarStuffs Animal Spirit Totems

Grasshopper teaches to take a leap forward in life and to trust in your own instincts and rhythms. Listen to your inner voice and let grasshopper guide you. He teaches patience to be bold and move with pride and grace. Grasshopper can teach the ability to take more chances and continue onward with persistence. He demonstrates the power of intuition, feelings, communication, awareness of surroundings and circumstances. Are you trusting your instincts and listening to your inner voice? It may be time to guard your exterior self and protect your emotions. Grasshopper medicine will show the balance between outgoing behavior and quite solitude. He demonstrates the skill of being courageous as well as taking flight when needed. His medicine lends stability and solidity to new endeavors. Grasshopper guides in the transformations of thoughts, ideals and perceptions as new spiritual insights are acquired.

dream dictionaries
The Dictionary of Symbols

The deepest and most ancient meaning of the myth of the giant alludes
to the supposed existence of an immense, primordial being, by whose sacrifice
creation was brought forth. This cosmogonic myth was very common among
primitive and ancient peoples, and it shows how rites involving the sacrifice of
humans are an attempt to revive the initial sacrifice and to resuscitate the cosmic
forces or to reawaken, at least, their favourable proclivities (17). Now, the giant
is, in himself, neither good nor bad, but merely a quantitative amplification of the
ordinary; hence, as the case may be, there are some legendary giants who are
protectors and others who are aggressive. This sense of the giant as ‘that which
surpasses’ human stature (here symbolic of power and strength), is also indicative of the broad significance of the giant. He may be an image of the ‘Terrible
Father’, arising from childhood memories—children see their parents as giants—
or an image of the unconscious, the ‘dark side’ of the personality menacing the
Jungian Selbst (21), etc. It is interesting to note that in folklore the giant is tutelar
in character: he is usually the defender of the common people against the overlord, upholding their liberties and rights. Without generalizing, one implication of
the giant may be said to be the personification of collective Man—as implied in
the maxim ‘united we stand’—or of the life of a community (16). But the general
myth of the giant is far from being confined to this specialized meaning. In nearly
all symbolic traditions, he tends to appear as an outcropping of the marvellous
and the terrible, even though he always has a certain quality of the inferior or the
subordinate about him. The Bible refers to Goliath and to Og, king of Bashan at
the time of the exodus (46). Samson has certain characteristics of the giant. In the
West, Bodo, Rübezahl, Geryon, Gargantua and Hercules are the most significant
in gigantomachy; in Greek tradition, there are the Titans and the Cyclops. Christian tradition has often seen Satan as a giant (50). The tragic hero is intimately
linked with the giant, although, at times, in inverse relation as his adversary (60).
Frazer describes the numerous cases in which giant figures in wood or wickerwork were set fire to during midsummer festivals, comparable with the Valencian
fallas (or bonfires). The ancients would fill these figures with animals and even
live men, who were burnt with the effigy. They were considered as representatives of the spirit of vegetation, or of the god sacrificed to the world—which
brings us back once again to our cosmogonic interpretation. The giant may be a
symbol of ‘everlasting rebellion’, of the forces of dissatisfaction which grow
within Man and determine his history and his destiny; it may, that is to say, be a
symbol of the Universal Man (Adam Kadmon, 21). Now, according to Jungian 119 GOG AND MAGOG
psychology, the giant’s essence—or his appearance, rather—seems to correspond to the father-symbol, representing the spirit that withstands the instincts,
or as the guardian of the treasure (that is, the mother—the unconscious), in which
case it is identical with the dragon-symbol. Reviewing all this, Jung quotes the
example of Humbaba, the guardian of the garden of Ishtar in the Gilgamesh epic

Dream Moods

To see a giant in your dream, indicates a great struggle between you and your opponents. You are trying to overcome an overwhelming obstacle. Alternatively, a giant symbolizes an issue, a person or a feeling that is dominating you. You are having an inferiority complex.

To dream that you turn into a giant, indicates feelings of inferiority.

10,000 Dreams InterpretedDrunvalo

To dream of a giant appearing suddenly before you, denotes that there will be a great struggle between you and your opponents. If the giant succeeds in stopping your journey, you will be overcome by your enemy. If he runs from you, prosperity and good health will be yours.

Philosophy of Dreams

Great difficulty to be encountered. But meet it with boldness. Then it will vanish.
This indicates that you will have an enemy of the most dreadful character.

Hyper Dictionary

Seeing a giant in your dream means of a great struggle between you and your opponents. This may prove to be a major and overwhelming obstacle for you to overcome. Alternatively, a giant may be symbolic of an issue or feeling that is dominating you. Dreaming that you turn into a giant indicates feelings of inferiority.

dream dictionaries
The Dictionary of Symbols

In the Egyptian tongue, the term designating the hand was related to
that for the pillar (or a support, or strength) and for the palm (4). In esoteric
doctrine, the position of the hand in relation to the body, and the arrangement of
the fingers, convey certain precise symbolic notions (48). According to the Egyptian system of hieroglyphs, the hand signifies manifestation, action, donating and
husbandry. An eye in association with a hand—as for example in some oriental
mythic beings—symbolize ‘clairvoyant action’ (19). Schneider concedes a major
rôle to the hand ‘because it is the corporeal manifestation of the inner state of the
human being’ and because ‘it expresses an attitude of mind in terms other than the
acoustic’—or, in other words, a gesture. It follows, then, that the raised hand is
the symbol of the voice and of song; the hand placed on the breast indicates the
attitude of the sage; placed on the neck it denotes sacrifice; two hands joined
signifies mystic marriage—the Jungian individuation; the hand covering the eyes
represents clairvoyance at the moment of death (50). Of great importance is the
fact that the hand has five fingers, firstly, because of its broad analogy with the
human figure (composed of four extremities plus the head), and, secondly, by
reason of the symbolism of the number five (denoting love, health and humanity)
(40). In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the open hand signifies any specificially human
task as well as magnetic force (19)—an idea also characteristic of pre-Columbian
America. And a very similar belief lies behind the widespread use of the hand as
an amulet in Islamic cultures. According to Berber thought, the hand signifies
protection, authority, power and strength; the manus had the same meaning for
the Romans, symbolizing in particular the authority of the pater familias and of
the emperor, and is sometimes to be seen surmounting the signum of the legions
in place of the imperial eagle. In the Islamic amulets mentioned above, the figure
of the hand undergoes various modifications or appears in association with other
symbols, as, for instance, the star, the dove, the bird, the fan, the zigzag and the
circle, forming emblems comparable with those of the Christian West (12). The
familiar emblem of the ‘linked hands’ is expressive of a virile fraternity, or solidarity in the face of danger (49). In Jung’s opinion, the hand is endowed with a generative significance (31). The difference between the right hand and the left is
usually ignored, but when the distinction is made it appears merely to serve the
purpose of enriching the basic significance with the additional implications of
space-symbolism, the right side corresponding to the rational, the conscious, the
logical and the virile; the left side representing the converse (33). There are alchemic images which represent a King clasping in his own left hand the left hand
of the Queen. Jung suggests that this may refer to the unconscious character of
their union but that it may also be indicative either of affection or of suspicion

Dream Moods

To dream of your hands, represent your relationships with those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication and can represent authority, hate, protection, justice, etc depending on the gesture. Perhaps you need to lend a helping hand to someone. In particular, the left hand symbolizes your graciousness and your feminine, receptive qualities, while the right hand symbolizes the masculine and active attributes. The right hand may also be a pun for some decision or something being 'right'. If you dream that your hands are detached or see disembodied hands, then it indicates that you are not getting your point of view across. You are not being understood. The dream may also symbolize feelings of loneliness.

To dream that you are holding hands with someone, represents love, affection and your connection with that person. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch with him/her or that you are drifting apart.

To dream that you hands are injured, denote an attack on your ego.

To dream that your hands are clasped or closed, signify unity, completeness, acceptance or agreement. On a more negative note, it may suggest that you are close-minded, ungiving or unwilling to help.

To dream that you have unusually large hands, denote success in achieving your goals.

To dream that your hands are hairy or rough, imply your lack of gentleness in dealing with others. You may be too brash and abrasive.

To see blood on your hands, signifies that you are experiencing some sort of guilt.

To dream that you are washing your hands, represent a worrisome issue that you need to work through. Alternatively, it suggests that you are in denial or no longer taking responsibility of some matter. You are letting go and getting things out of your system.

To dream that your hands are itchy, indicate issues with money. If the left hand is itchy, then it signifies money being received. If the right hand or both hands are itchy, then it signifies money being given or lost.

10,000 Dreams Interpreted

If you see beautiful hands in your dream, you will enjoy great distinction, and rise rapidly in your calling; but ugly and malformed hands point to disappointments and poverty. To see blood on them, denotes estrangement and unjust censure from members of your family.

If you have an injured hand, some person will succeed to what you are striving most to obtain.

To see a detached hand, indicates a solitary life, that is, people will fail to understand your views and feelings. To burn your hands, you will overreach the bounds of reason in your struggles for wealth and fame, and lose thereby.

To see your hands covered with hair, denotes that you will not become a solid and leading factor in your circle.

To see your hands enlarged, denotes a quick advancement in your affairs.
To see them smaller, the reverse is predicted.
To see your hands soiled, denotes that you will be envious and unjust to others.

To wash your hands, you will participate in some joyous festivity.

For a woman to admire her own hands, is proof that she will win and hold the sincere regard of the man she prizes above all others.

Meaning Of Dream Catchers

To admire the hands of others, she will be subjected to the whims of a jealous man. To have a man hold her hands, she will be enticed into illicit engagements. If she lets others kiss her hands, she will have gossips busy with her reputation. To handle fire without burning her hands, she will rise to high rank and commanding positions.

To dream that your hands are tied, denotes that you will be involved in difficulties. In loosening them, you will force others to submit to your dictations.

Hyper Dictionary

Flower Of Life Cbd

Dreaming of your hands, represents your relationship to those around you and how you connect with the world. Hands serve as a form of communication. Perhaps you need to lend out a helping hand to someone. In particular, the left hand symbolizes your graciousness and feminine, receptive qualities. And the right hand symbolizes masculine, active attributes. It may also be a pun for some decision or something being 'right'. Dreaming that you are holding hands with someone, represents your connection with that person. Your dream may also reflect anxieties about losing touch with him/her or that you are drifting apart. Dreaming that you hands are injured indicates an attack on your ego. Dreaming that your hands are clasped or closed means unity, completeness, acceptance or agreement. On a more negative note, it may suggest that you are close-minded, ungiving or unwilling to help. Dreaming that you have unusually large hands indicates much success in achieving your goals. Dreaming that your hands are hairy or rough, implies your lack of gentleness in dealing with others. You may be too brash and abrasive. Seeing blood on your hands means that you are experiencing some sort of guilt. Dreaming that you are washing your hands, represents a worrisome issue that you need to work through. Alternatively, it suggests that you are no longer taking responsibilities in some matter. You are letting go and getting things out of your system.

dream dictionaries
Dream Moods

To see your own eyes in your dream, represent enlightenment, knowledge, comprehension, understanding, and intellectual awareness. Unconscious thoughts may be coming onto the surface. The left eye is symbolic of the moon, while the right eye represents the sun. It may also be a pun on 'I' or the self. If you dream that your eyes have turned inside your head and you can now see the inside of your head, then it symbolizes insight and something that you need to be aware of. This dream may be literally telling you that you need to look within yourself. Trust your intuition and instincts.

To dream that you have something in your eye, represents obstacles in your path. Alternatively, it may represent your critical view and how you tend to see faults in others.

To dream that you have one eye, indicates your refusal to accept another viewpoint. It suggests that you are one-sided in your ways of thinking.

To dream that you have a third eye, symbolizes inner vision, insight, instinct or some psychic ability you have yet untapped. You are able to see what others cannot. Or you need to start looking within yourself and trust your instincts.

To dream that your eyes are injured or closed, suggests your refusal to see the truth about something or the avoidance of intimacy. You may be expressing feelings of hurt, pain or sympathy.

To dream that you have crossed eyes, denotes that you are not seeing straight with regards to some situation. You may be getting your facts mixed up.

To dream that your eyes are bleeding, symbolizes the sacrifices your have made and the difficulties you have endured. Alternatively, the dream signifies some very deep pain or internal conflict within your soul. Although you may not feel any physical pain, you are hurting inside. Perhaps you have been hiding the pain for so long that you forgot what pain feels like. There is some unrest or uneasiness within which needs to be addressed and resolved immediately.

Meaning of Dreams

Eyes are complex dream symbols and can be interpreted by considering the dreamer's experiences and the details in the dream (as is the case with all dream symbols). Some say that the eyes are the windows for the soul. Eyes symbolize perceptiveness, personal outlook, clairvoyance, curiosity, and knowledge. They also reveal information about personal identity and suggest to the dreamer what they should pay attention to. Closed eyes are said to represent fear and an unwillingness to see clearly. Superstition-based dream interpretations say that if the eyes in your dream are beautiful they represent peace. Crossed eyes may be an unconscious warning about someone’s character, integrity, or misperceptions.

dream dictionaries
The Dictionary of Symbols

Equated with matter, with the maternal and germinant, but it preexists the differentiation of matter (9). The dualism of light/darkness does not
arise as a symbolic formula of morality until primordial darkness has been split
up into light and dark. Hence, the pure concept of darkness is not, in symbolic
tradition, identified with gloom—on the contrary, it corresponds to primigenial
chaos. It is also related to mystic nothingness, and, in consequence, Hermetic language is an obscurum per obscurius, a path leading back to the profound
mystery of the Origin. According to Guénon, light is the basic principle behind
differentiation and hierarchical order. The gloom which preceded the Fiat Lux
always, in traditional symbolism, represents the state of undeveloped potentialities which give rise to chaos (29). Hence, the darkness introduced into the world,
after the advent of light, is regressive; hence, too, the fact that it is traditionally
associated with the principle of evil and with the base, unsublimated forces.

Dream Moods

To dream that darkness comes upon you, signifies failure in some work that you are attempting. Darkness is synonymous with ignorance, the unconscious, evil, death, and fear of the unknown. If the sun breaks through the darkness, then you will overcome your failures. If you feel safe in the dark, then it suggests that you like not knowing about certain things. As some might say, ignorance is bliss.

To dream that you cannot find someone in the darkness, signifies that you need to keep your temper in check. You have the tendency to let your emotions get out of control and lose your temper.

To dream that you are lost in the darkness, denotes feelings of desperation, depression, or insecurity.

Flower Of Life Dream Catcher

To dream that you are groping around in the darkness, indicates that you have insufficient information to make a clear decision. Do your research and do not rush into making choices.

Hyper Dictionary

Seed Of Life Meaning

Dreaming that darkness comes upon you means failure in work you may attempt. Darkness is synonymous with ignorance, the unconscious, evil, death, and fear of the unknown. If the sun breaks through the darkness, then you will overcome your failures. If you feel safe in the dark, then it suggests that you like not knowing about certain things. As some might say, ignorance is bliss. Dreaming that you cannot find someone in the darkness means that you need to keep your temper in check. You have the tendency to let your emotions get out of control and lose your temper. Dreaming that you are lost in the darkness indicates feelings of desperation, depression, or insecurity. Dreaming that you are groping around in the darkness indicates that you have insufficient information to make a clear decision. Do your research and do not rush into making choices.

dream dictionaries
Dream Moods

Use Of Dream Catcher

To see a cocoon on your dream, signifies a place of safety and solitude. It may also represent transformation or healing.

To dream that you are in a cocoon, represents your need to rejuvenate and restore your body, mind and spirit. You may be recreating new paths of expression and perhaps a rebirth. Alternatively, it symbolizes your unrealized potential and possibilities.

Hyper Dictionary

Seeing cocoons on your dream means a place of safety and solitude. It may also represent transformation or healing. Dreaming that you are in a cocoon, represents your need to rejuvenate and restore your body, mind and spirit. You may be recrSeeing or eating new paths of expression and perhaps a rebirth.