Gwent Android

Gwent Android Requirements
Sep 22, 2020 It’s already past its one-year anniversary on PC, and has been through significant changes, but Gwent is finally here on mobile – even on Android! It’s such a timely and refreshing deck builder and, sure, it’s a beloved IP and has an incredible amount of visual style and polish. Feb 14, 2020 Gwent is coming to Android It’s good news for Android owners and fans of The Witcher, as free-to-play The Witcher-themed card game Gwent is officially coming to Android devices on March 24th, 2020. As with the PC and iOS versions of the game, Gwent will be completely free to play. Pre-registration is now live on the Google Play Store. GWENT is the Standalone Release of The Witcher 3’s Card Battler We couldn’t find any mention of the Android release other than the original mobile announcement earlier this year. For the record, that was back in March, and the following quote says all you need to know.

Witcher Gwent Android App