Texas Holdem Xbox 360
Texas Hold 'Em for Xbox 360 cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. Texas Hold 'Em 360 dated. Unless they're bluffing. Subscribe to The Eurogamer.net Daily. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. Cheapest price for Texas Hold'em on Xbox 360 in all regions, updated daily. Set a target price and we'll notify you when it drops below!
System: X360 - XBL | Review Rating Legend | |
Dev: Tiki | 1.0 - 1.9 = Avoid | 4.0 - 4.4 = Great |
Pub: Microsoft | 2.0 - 2.4 = Poor | 4.5 - 4.9 = Must Buy |
Release: Aug 2006 | 2.5 - 2.9 = Average | 5.0 = The Best |
Players: 1 - 8 | 3.0 - 3.4 = Fair | |
Review by Patrick | 3.5 - 3.9 = Good |
- Platform:Xbox 360 In World Championship Poker feat. Howard Lederer All-In, you're right across the table from some of the world's top poker-playing personalities.
- Aug 15, 2007 ein Texas Hold`em bug wie er noch nie vorher gesehen wurde.
By Patrick Evans
Texas Hold’em is the purest form of poker to some, and to others it’s the only game they will play. Dozens of websites attract online Hold’em players with nothing but time to kill, and Microsoft wanted to move in on that market. The Tiki Games developed Texas Hold’em strips the game down to its basics and provides players the opportunity to lose the time without losing their shirt.
Available for free until Friday morning at 1am Pacific, Texas Hold’em offers both standard and tournament games for players to choose from. Right out of the gate, there were chumps that decided they would take a stab at pots early and got their rear ends handed to them, but this is typical of regular online games as well. The regular tables saw idiots and sharks alike all scratching to win as many hands as possible.
A permanent bankroll is one of Texas Hold’ems greatest draws on Xbox Live. Most tables or tournaments have buy-ins, which is deducted from your overall bankroll when you go into the game. When you leave the table your money goes back into the bankroll, either a little fatter or a little leaner. As you continue to climb up in the money, bigger and bigger tables, and payoffs, are available to you, just like in any other online poker game.

The interface in-game is as simple as it gets. When action comes to you, call/check, fold, and bet are all on face buttons. If you want to bet, you can either use the outrageously over-sensitive control stick/d-pad or you can use the shoulder buttons, which increase the bet amount in increments according to the blinds. It would have been nice to see betting handled a little more carefully, but using the shoulder buttons gets the job done.
Xbox Live’s poker has one major advantage over many, if not all, online poker websites out there. Chatting with the people at your table makes the game much more fun and erases part of the anonymity associated with online poker. Instead of simply looking onto a computer screen and scratching yourself while you wait for your turn, you can now talk to the others in your game while scratching yourself and waiting for your turn.
Bankrolls and chat-support are great, but Texas Hold’em does have a few issues that make finding a suitable table difficult. When searching for a table with the Quick Match option, there will be times that the table that comes up is outside your price range. Using the custom match option solves this without a problem, but it would be nice to see the game use some intuition in selecting a table for you. There were also some glitches in the network with buying in or cashing out. I jumped onto a table with a 20,000 dollar buy-in when I only had 18,000. Before I even got to play a hand, I was tossed out of the game, but I received more than 40,000 dollars from the table inexplicably. In the leaderboard, I’m still ranked as if I had 18,000, but my dollar value is astronomical. For my sake, I hope they don’t fix that glitch, but it’s troubling nonetheless.
Microsoft has said that it plans on utilizing the upcoming camera accessory in Texas Hold’em to allow players to see each other while playing. If so, it will mean two things for online poker. One, people will start having to watch what they do to keep their cards hidden, and I will have to start playing the game with pants on. When the camera support comes out, we at CCC will revisit this game and update our review, but for now, Texas Hold’em is the most addictive Xbox Live Arcade game since Uno. Even if you can’t get it while it’s free, this game is easily worth the 800 points.

CCC Staff Writer

It's another card game for Xbox Live Arcade, but it'll have you addicted in no time.
Back in January, Microsoft announced that due to corporate sponsorship, Texas Hold 'Em would be free. The community cemented its collective rear in their seats, hotly anticipating the arrival of what was sure to be a hugely popular game. August arrived, and still nothing had been heard on the game's release. When it finally appeared on a release list, gone was the corporate sponsorship and down went the number of players interested. Gauging the response from players around the world, Microsoft pre-empted the uproar by announcing that Texas Hold 'Em would indeed be free, but only for the first two days, thereafter selling for 800 Microsoft points.
Microsoft wasn't to know the impact of making a game free and judging by the amount of downloads on Wednesday, Texas Hold 'Em could possibly have been the most played game on Xbox live and continues to be popular days after its release. See, the thing is, it's actually an excellent game - if you like Poker.
Poker is an incredibly tactical game, and is not only about what cards you have, but what cards other players have. Some poker players work on percentages while others work by the cards in possession and estimate the chances of success. Texas Hold 'Em is a variation of poker where everyone starts with two cards, and bets are placed on the chances of success with those two cards. Whichever player has been deemed the dealer then deals three cards into the middle of the table, which each player then adds to his set mentally to create the best hand. Players can fold at any time, but the idea is to make the best hand comprising of five cards - the two they began with and the three best cards from the middle.
Winning hands come in all shapes and sizes, with the lowest being a high card, meaning everything in your hand is useless, but you have the highest card, therefore beating everyone else. Then we've got a pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, flush, full house, four of a kind, straight flush, and finally, the rarest hand in poker, a royal flush (ace, king, queen, jack, ten of the same suit). Seems like a lot to remember right? Thankfully, the game has been made much easier to understand thanks to the inclusion of what amounts to a beginner's guide to poker. So, if you're unsure how to play your hand, details of each betting type and card rank are available at the touch of a button.
Graphically, things look a little drab on a standard definition set, but connect to a PC monitor or an HD set and everything looks much sharper. Smooth menu's and crisp visuals present a consistent and palatable front end with some sharp in-game visuals. Cards sweep across the table with fluidity, whilst deals are lightning fast. While the game isn't a showcase title, it does the job, save for animation for chips entering the pot - it's just not good enough. Then we have the 'twang'.

When you've got an amazing hand in poker, or more importantly you think you've got an amazing hand, you can throw everything you've got at the table, with this being called 'going all in'. Every single chip you own goes into the pot, and then it happens. Twang! It's possibly the most annoying sound effect since the shotgun effect from Rambo on the Commodore 64. For some reason, the game doesn't have a true Texas soundtrack. There's no Leanne Rhymes, Dolly Parton or Glen Campbell in sight. Country & Western is huge in Texas, as is Beyonce, but Texas Hold 'Em treats players to a blues soundtrack, which allows for the dreaded twang that's played every time you go all in. So, when myself and a few friends were going all in on every hand at $50k a pop, it got bloody annoying. Still, the audio doesn't make the game a turn off, as with a simple press of the 'mute' button, the annoyance of some guitar impresario was remedied quickly enough.
Offline gameplay offers numerous game modes, from normal play to tournaments to scenarios, with each scenario giving you a set objective to complete. With varying amounts of money and player types to deal with, all seven scenarios will keep you busy for a while, working away to beat all of them for those all important achievement points.
Multiplayer offers standard game and tournament options, with unranked player matches being the most frequented of game types. Within two days of downloading Texas Hold 'Em, I'd played 232 hands of poker, winning 60% of all hands. That's not bad considering I threw away over a million dollars trying to brake the game! On the whole, the online side of things is where players will spend most of their time, loosing or winning money on a regular basis for fun, or more importantly - ranking.
Em Hold Texas
There have been one or two bug reports circulating on the internet, but in my extensive playtime I've not experienced a single problem, so unless two cards of the same suit and number come up anytime soon, we'll have to take these with a pinch of salt. Over all, Texas Hold 'Em is a weighty Xbox Live Arcade game, even if you have to pay 800 Microsoft points for it. For those of you who downloaded the game in the first two days, you already know you've got yourself a bargain.